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Sunday 12 February 2012

To the cliche "You are born alone, you die alone"

Someone was whining about how her friends had dumped her when she most needed their help and support. I fed her you, the old cliche about how we come into this world alone and depart alone. Then my old problem kicked in. It's terminal I'm thinking. This problem. I say something deep or stupid depending on the situation, and you have to agree, some so-called deep sayings are pretty stupid. But I digress. And I can digress because this is my blog, and if you don't like it you can just ____. No, no, come back. I didn't mean that. You are my only reader, so stay, okay?

I was thinking we are not alone when we come into this world. Adam, if the story of Creation is not a load of hoo-ha, arrived in this world with the hands of God himself around him. Ditto with Eve, though she was cloned from a rib of Adam, which is why I say, that story of creation? Maybe, just maybe, could be a load of hoo-ha. 

But take you and me. We had our moms holding us and pushing us out of their unmentionables. Honestly, whoever thought up how reproduction apparatus has to be set up in the animal kingdom, must've really hated females. One bad-ass all mighty misogynist. The point is, we are not alone when we are born. Even if we are born in a forest, we have our mothers cheering us along the birth path. Well my mother was swearing in Portuguese and when I gave birth to both my girls, I just bellowed. But my point? The baby is not alone at birth.

So it's settled then? You agree? We do not come into this world alone? 

Now about departing this earthly realm. If you depart alone, that's entirely due to poor planning on your part. Or if it happens when you are sitting on the crapper while on a business trip, just pure bad luck. Actually choices you make from the time you emerge from Mom to the time you're emerging from a freezer in the morgue, will determine whether you die surrounded by those you love who love you back. 

If you are a nasty, mean, petty, or creepy person, chances are you won't have too many people around you when you die. Unless along with your filthy mind you are filthy rich.

But if you've been an okay type warm, loving, taking people at face value, not trying to change the world too much, but going with the flow, you are so going to die of an overdose of carbon dioxide with the vast number of people sobbing around your death-bed.

And after you're dead, why should you care anyway? You're free. Finally. Wheee.

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